

Find out more about IJARBM’s submission & publication process!

About the Journal

Focus & Scope / Topics

The International Journal of Applied Research in Business and Management (ISSN: 2700-8983) welcomes scientific papers from the entire field of business administration and related disciplines, such as marketing, consumer behavior, human resource management, accounting, controlling, customer relationship management, organizational management, agile methods, digital transformation and similar topics.

The International Journal of Applied Research in Business and Management  aims to make scientific work with a high level of practical relevance accessible to academic and practitioners. Therefore, it publishes application-oriented research results from business administration and related disciplines. In particular, the journal wants to bridge the gap between theory and practice and is looking for papers investigating theoretical findings in practical application.

Open Access Policy

Scientific knowledge should be accessible to all people who need this information. That is why IJARBM is an Open Access journal that makes published scientific papers available to its readers free of charge. (Learn more about our Open Access Policy)

To cover our costs, e.g. for hosting, software, copy-editing, we charge our authors an article processing charge (APC). For more information on APC and to submit a paper to IJARBM for publication, please visit Submission & Publication section.

Publication Frequency

The journal has two issues per year.

Articles accepted in the IJARBM are immediately sent to the editorial office and published promptly within a few days after final editing. The publication is included in the respective current issue. This policy is especially helpful to authors who need timely publication.


The publisher of the journal submits all articles published to the National Library of Germany to be archived. (Visit IJARBM’s archive entry)

Editorial Board

Erik Diez, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hungary (LinkedIn)

Deputy Chief Editor
Kinga Szabó, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences – Kaposvár Campus, Hungary (LinkedIn)

Editorial Board Members
The Editorial Board of IJARBM is a small, internationally composed team of researchers and practitioners who are dedicated to applied research in business and management and contribute to IJARBM.

  • Boris Miethlich, IIC University of Technology, Cambodia (LinkedIn)
  • Carsten Giebe, Hochschule Macromedia, Germany (LinkedIn)
  • Dirk Zwerenz, IU International University of Applied Sciences, Germany (LinkedIn)
  • Emily Martinez-Vogt, Florida Tech | Nathan M. Bisk College of Business, United States of America (LinkedIn)
  • Florian Blaschke, Deutsche Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften – DHAW, Germany (LinkedIn)
  • Gerriet Hinrichs, HFH Hamburger Fern-Hochschule, Germany (LinkedIn)
  • Ilka Heinze, Hochschule Fresenius, Germany (LinkedIn)
  • Michael Hans Gino Kraft, OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen, Switzerland (LinkedIn)
  • Quentin Commine, University of Strasbourg, France (LinkedIn)
  • Stamatis Papadakis, University of Crete, Greece (LinkedIn)
  • Teoh Kok Ban, SENTRAL College Penang, Malaysia (LinkedIn)
  • Vijay Anant Athavale, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, India (LinkedIn)

Technical Editor
Atilla Wohllebe, WR Publishing, Germany (LinkedIn)

Copy-Editing Coordination
Florian Ross, WR Publishing, Germany (LinkedIn)

If you want to contribute to IJARBM as a reviewer or as a member of the editorial board, please contact us via email.

As a member of the Editorial Board, you not only develop the journal thematically and professionally, you are also an ambassador: You recommend the journal to your peers and help to acquire interesting articles for the journal. Additionally, an Editorial Board membership can also improve your academic reputation.

As a member of the Reviewer Team you agree to read the articles submitted to the IJARBM, give qualitative feedback to the authors and make your recommendation whether the IJARBM should publish the respective article. In this way you make an important contribution to the academic world and actively help to publish generated knowledge in a high quality way.

Address / Postal Contact
Wohllebe & Ross Publishing GbR
Benzstrasse 12
22177 Hamburg